Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Lulu’s Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii

Remember the first time you tasted alcohol? The first sip at age twelve seems ghastly and then, wonder of wonders, you find yourself enjoying the shocking potion as you come of age.

So it was when I tried Lulu’s Hawaiian Superman cocktail. The potent concoction of Hawaiian Chili water and gin comes with a word of caution printed on the menu. But you’re a he-man, you like it hot, so you ignore the warning and order the drink along with Calamari Dynamite and a kalua pork quesadillas. You settle back under the glow of the tiki torch, take your first sip, and suddenly wonder who in the world came up with the idea of hot Hawaiian chili water as a cocktail! Not to be wasteful, you take another sip and before the meal is over, you’re snagged. The adrenaline and dopamine release from that first hit lingers long after in the reptilian area of your brain. Next time out, you’ll order it again.

Follow the link to read our full restaurant review!

1 comment:

  1. The Hawaiian Superman sounds amazing. I'll have to check this out.
